Des solutions IA pour les EnR en pleine éclosion
Aevy featured in GreenUnivers! Aevy is sharing some insights in a GreenUnivers article talking about #AI and #Renewables!
The article is looking at the arrival of AI in renewables, its purposes, and the various applications. Below is an extract. We strongly recommend you have a read!
It's good to see that there is a lot of, well needed, innovation in the industry. Great to share expertise alongside Bamboo Energy, Raptor Maps — Solar Software, Solargis, Spottitt, Delfos, and Singulair.
Thank you Natasha Laporte for this very interesting series of articles!
French extract from article:“Enfin, toujours plus d’entrepreneurs surfent sur la vague et tentent de repousser l’horizon de l’innovation dans les EnR. Une toute jeune société, Aevy, a ainsi éclos en Norvège, avec pour ambition de devenir gestionnaire d’actifs virtuel dans le domaine administratif notamment. Elle propose de gérer « tous les contrats, dont d’opération et de maintenance, sur l’ensemble du cycle de vie des parcs », explique Gautier Moulin, cofondateur d’Aevy. « L’IA permet de comprendre et de contextualiser les informations », ajoute cet expert. A l’heure de la multiplication et de la complexification des plateformes d’énergies renouvelables, Aevy entend faire gagner du temps aux gestionnaires d’actifs tout en réduisant leurs coûts.” English translation of the article extract:“Finally, more and more entrepreneurs are riding the wave and trying to push the boundaries of innovation in renewables. A young company, Aevy, has thus emerged in Norway, with the ambition of becoming a virtual asset manager, particularly in the administrative field. It offers to manage ‘all contracts, including operations and maintenance, throughout the entire lifecycle of the parks,’ explains Gautier Moulin, co-founder of Aevy. ‘AI allows us to understand and contextualize information,’ adds this expert. At a time when renewable energy platforms are multiplying and becoming more complex, Aevy aims to save asset managers time while reducing their costs.” Check out the LinkedIn post here.
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